There is an mySQL error: 1054 on Admin Control Panel ---> Administrator Permissions
this is what comes up
Any help would be great thanks
The forums is: http://saproductions.createmybb.com/
There is an mySQL error: 1054 on Admin Control Panel ---> Administrator Permissions
this is what comes up
mySQL error: 1054
Unknown column 'u.uid' in 'on clause'
Query: SELECT u.uid, u.username, u.lastactive, g.cancp, a.permsset FROM saproductions_users u, saproductions_usergroups g LEFT JOIN saproductions_adminoptions a ON (a.uid=u.uid) WHERE u.usergroup=g.gid AND g.cancp='yes' ORDER BY u.username ASC
Any help would be great thanks
The forums is: http://saproductions.createmybb.com/